O Poder da Imaginação

Data: Feb 03, 2012   |   Cathegory: Articles

The power of imagination is stronger than the will. It can lead us to distort reality and it can even cause hallucinations.

Everything we think clearly and firmly, transplants within the bounds of sense for the somatic band.

By imagining that we are eating a delicious slice of pineapple, our salivary glands begin to secrete saliva. Have you ever noticed this? How many times, just imagining your favorite foods, you actually start to feel its taste or aroma? Therefore, if we firmly imagine that we can’t or that we won’t be able to achieve something, we’ll surely can’t. Our conscious mind is constantly influenced by the subconscious and it’s always looking for success, but it can also be programmed to failure. When reason and imagination have different points of view, the imagination always wins.

When we are sick, we think “I want to be healed.” Some people are cured just taking a tea or a placebo, simply because they have faith that they will be cured. The lack of trust and overexertion are the main reasons for any failure. Many people place obstacles in life simply by not fully understand how the subconscious works. You will always fail when trying to use mental pressure, because your subconscious doesn’t respond to pressure. It only works with faith or the acceptance of the idea by he conscious mind. You must be sure that there is a solution to the problem that ails you

The easier way to access your subconscious is staying totally relaxed. When brain waves fall for about eight cycles per second (alpha state) our subconscious’ pores open, facilitating the transfer of information from your conscious to your deep memory. Therefore, the best time to instill in our minds some new truths that we want to believe is when we are relaxed. If you repeat a particular emphasis on information, it will be perceived by the subconscious and will become true. An example: if you repeat with insistence “when I lay in bed, I fall asleep very easily,” you’ll stop having trouble to sleep, because when you lie in bed your subconscious will identify it and it will respond with an order to fall asleep. When you give an information “as an order”, being self-hypnotized (which means in a deep relaxation), this information goes straight to the subconscious, making you gain time and efficiency.

You should never express your willingness to tell the subconscious what you really want, because it would cause a duel between your will and your imagination. For example, if you say “I’m not afraid of dark rooms”, your subconscious will answer “yes, you are”, because this is your reality. However, if you say “dark room, all right,” will prevent the duel between will and imagination and your subconscious will incorporate this phrase as a new truth and you will soon lose the fear of the dark rooms.

“Imagination is more important than science, because it transcends any limits and science always finds them”
“Imagination is more important than knowledge”
Albert Einstein

Einstein said it aware that of our mind triggers the quantum field of infinite possibilities. You think because you believe in something and all your thoughts will be focused on what you believe at that time. The magnetic field sips your thoughts and beliefs as ruthless orders. Einstein goes beyond. He explores the idea that this quantum level is a door to God, because there is an encounter with the divine and powerful made ​​by our beliefs and thoughts.

Remember that each problem, whether it’s physical or mental, is the result of a misconceived concept. Restate the concept and you will solve the problem. There is no mystery about it. Believe it and you will be able to manage it.

Myriam Durante
psychotherapist and hipnóloga